The word "Joy" is frequently used to describe this season: the joy of the news of the Savior's birth and the joy of knowing that God sent His Son to fulfill His plan so that we can not only be saved from sin (if we continually repent) but also be resurrected to be able to live with God and our families forever.
This year, the word "Joy" has a whole new meaning to me. Being a mother to such a sweet little girl has brought me so much joy. I literally have woken myself up because I was laughing in my sleep. And every time I wake up and see this little angel in my arms (she usually sleeps on my stomach or in my arms these days) I can not believe how lucky Jeff and I are to have her. It's so weird to me because I was so happy before her; I have the best husband ever and we have so much fun together...I never thought I could be happier. But Ginger has proved me wrong and I feel like happiness is just radiating from me. I know Jeff feels the same. When he is watching Ginger, I hear him just laughing the whole time. What a privilege it is to be her parents.
She's so beautiful! Honestly, I see a lot of babies day to day and she is incredibly cute. Well done, o genes of Jeff and Erin.
Erin she truly is beutimous. I want to meet her and I want to see you and bring you some food or something when it is convenient. hooray for beautiful the beautiful baby!
I love this post! It was so good to see you guys this last weekend. Ginger is oh so cute!
Oh wow…. I’m feeling joy just reading this! Thank you so much for posting this. You remind me of how it feels to have a newborn. I love your attitude – so many new moms just moan and groan about their sleep deprivation. But you consider it a privilege. Beautiful.
PS – do you still need a pump? I might be able to help you out….
Wow. This post totally makes me want to cry. I totally know how you are feeling! Isnt motherhood the most amazing thing on earth! I am so happy for you and your gorgeous little sweetie! Happy Holidays
Love Laura Muir
That is beautiful Er. I'm so happy for you. Miss you! Merry Christmas!
When can we come visit you? We're in town and we'd love to pay you and your Ginger a visit!
Erin... I'm so sorry we never got to visit while I was in town. I'm glad you got your gift, but I missed out on an awesome chat with you. Rats! Your girl is beautiful though, that I could see! Oh, how do you know Mike and Em West? I just linked onto your blog from theirs?
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