Friday, March 27, 2009


Ok, so I didn't get into either of the out-of-state schools I applied to for PhDs, but there are clearly more important things in life...(watch the above).


Jane Durham said...

that's funny! is that real? I was hoping it was a preview for a pre-Pirates of the Caribbean or something. Sorry about the schools...hopefully it just means something else is happening for you.

chelsea mckell said...

Didn't know you were applying for PhD schools... well THEIR LOSS! And I mean that. They have no idea what they missed out on.
Hey - thought of you tonight - I went with my family (in from WA) to One World Cafe in SLC. Such a great place! That would make an awesome spot for an MPH shindig.

(oh - and great video - made me smile, thanks :)

Laura Muir said...

THat is such a funny little movie! I totally though it was some pre pirates movie too and I was thinking woah! Disney is getting desperate huh? He He

Carrie said...

A downer, I'm sure, but I'm glad you have an accurate perspective. :) I love that clip! You said you didn't get accepted to the "out of state" schools, does that mean you were accepted to some in state?

Ann Marie said...

that is AWESOME!

Ann Marie said...

p.s. i was so distracted by that clip that i totally forgot the HUGE part about you not getting into out of state schools...CLEARLY there are more important things!