Tuesday, December 21, 2010


just looking at the pictures from Portugal makes me breathe easier. It is such a beautiful place. I love the scenery, but even more, I LOVE the people. It was so wonderful to see my friends and catch up with them.

At the beach with the Cruz family near Setubal.
Ginger is holding Ema Cruz--ginger loved playing with the kids in this family!!
Catia, my mission companion, and her husband

Waiting for the bus with Rogerio--one of the nicest people ever. He was one of the only members in Cartaxo where I served for 9 months of my mission and was an amazing member missionary.
At the park in Santarem with Nanashara (a former mission companion) and her two girls.

1 comment:

chelsea mckell said...

Holy cow, you world traveler.
So jealous!