Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Baby!!!... IS here!

Ginger Marie Johnson was born Friday November 14th, 2008, 11:17pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 2.8 oz at birth, and was 21 inches from head-to-toe. you can see here a picture of Erin the day before the birth (Thursday). As you can see, she is was not happy about the baby being late. That night, Erin did not sleep much because she was having contractions all night. She also felt her water break around 2 am. She had an appointment with here midwife at 11:00 am on Friday and when we got there, the midwife said she was dilated to 4 cm and told us to go straight over to the the hospital. Erin had contractions until about 4:00pm when her midwife came over and checked to see how dilated she was. After 5 more hours, she was only at 4.5 cm, so the midwife broke the bag of water that was below the baby's head and then contractions came a little quicker. At that point, Erin decided that this natural birth idea wasn't as cool as she had thought. So she got the epidural. At that point, there was no more moving around, and Erin was wired to every machine in the room. Here's a picture of Erin with her machines.
With the epidural in, Erin was able to relax and conserve her energy for the pushing. which was good, because she was able to push the baby out in just 30 minutes, which is pretty quick for a first baby.
As a side note here, I'd like to say that, despite the fact that I had felt our baby kick thousands of times, and despite the fact that I knew perfectly well that there was a baby in Erin, it was an amazing experience to actually see a baby come out of my wife. It's a hard thing for me to explain. I suppose that in my mind I had kind of thought of Ginger as this thing that was just a bump in my wife's belly that often kicked and squirmed, and when her head and her body came out she had just become a human being, and she had just come out of my wife. I suppose that that is what is meant by the miracle of child birth. Anyone reading this at this moment might think that what I just explained is strange or silly, but prior to Friday night, I had never seen a person be born before.
Anyways, enough of that. Here are some pictures of Ginger. Her with Erin right after birth, her on the scale just seconds after she was born, her with her Great-Grandma and Grandpa Badger, and then the most recent picture I took of her about an hour ago with her mohawk.


amy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! Ginger is really cute and, based on the mohawk picture, looks like a lot of fun, too. I am so happy for you guys and that everything went well. And Jeff, I appreciate your sharing how miraculous the experience was for you. I remember the first time I saw am human emerge from another human; I was completely mystified. And it wasn't even my wife doing the birthing! Millions of congrats to both of you. Can't wait to meet my new little (tiny) friend :)

Zane and Lexi said...

oh my, what a darling little girl! congratulations jeff and erin. we hope you and baby are doing well and recover quickly! babies are so much fun...enjoy them now while they sleep lots and are immobile!

Sarah said...

Congrats you two!

missy. said...

i love your baby! she is so cute! i love her face! congratulations, erin and jeff. i am very happy for you.

Lorna said...

She is beautiful and I think she looks like Erin. Congratulations. Life will never be the same with that wonderful little girl.

Carrie said...

Great job MOM and DAD and of course the great job GINGER did too. I'm so glad to hear everything went well and that you have a beautiful healthy girl. I loved hearing your point of view Jeff. Take care of yourselves. Give that little sweetie lots of hugs for me. I look forward to seeing you soon.

chelsea mckell said...

YAYYAYYAY! so happy that she is here and safe and everyone is doing so well! It was great reading it from jeff's perspective. I've heard that women become mothers as soon as they're pregnant, but men dont become fathers til the baby is born :)
and I give props to erin for getting the epidural. There is no sense to going through the excruciating pain of "natural" childbirth. There's nothing natural about refusing relief from pain - that's called masochism. We love drugs. Drugs are God's gift to us. Do we go to the dentist for a tooth pull and ask to "go natural"? And seeing Ginger is proof that babies born to medicated mommies are way cuter.
If I've offended anyone reading this.... choose not to be offended.
oh, and super cute name! I looked it up - it isn't even in the top 1000 names this year. It hasn't been in the top 1000 since 1989.

Mike & Emily West said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She is adorable!

Ann Marie said...

hip, hip hooray!!! I LOVE the name Ginger. So beautiful! Can't wait to see you guys and meet her!

Morgan said...

Congrats Jeff and Erin. Ginger is a little cutie... with such big eyes and that stylish mohawk. Good job, and good luck with the next stage of parenthood!

- Mo

Ashley said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! We're thrilled for you. Ginger is beautiful and we're so happy everything went smoothly. We can't wait to meet her!

Jane Durham said...

YEAH!!! I haven't even read your post yet, I was just so excited to comment. I have just been waiting for this news, as I'm sure you have been. I can't wait to meet her. Now I'll go read.

Mae said...

YEAH!!! The wait is over! I love the name Ginger, and Erin, you look awesome after a long labor! (but who would expect otherwise) I had the same plan, go natural, i changed the plan, too. epidurals are awesome.

Natalie Petersen said...

BAM! She is finally here!!!!!! YEAH!!!! Congratulations you two. She is beautiful and I love the mohawk. I can't wait to meet her and I can't wait to talk to you Erin. I hope all is going well and send you lots of Love.

Elaine said...

Hi Jeff and Erin and now finally Ginger!!! Did you know your baby was born two days before my birthday? Wish she could've waited two more days...hahah. She is so beautiful and I can't wait to meet her soon!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray congrats Erin she is lovely. You have been blessed by becoming a mama. Get lots of sleep and eat well. Don't worry about the house let it get messy. LOL You just take care of Ginger.

Betsi Patino

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!! Congratulations Erin, Jeff. Welcome little Ginger! - Felicia

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Erin and Jeff! What a sweet little girl!!! All the best - Melissa Dimond :)

Anonymous said...

She is truly a beautiful baby. Good job! Nicole (from UDOH)

w and w said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! The delivery sounds so much like mine it's nuts! I love hearing Jeff's perspective. Congratulations, you'll be wonderful parents!

Los Smiths said...

yahoo for Ginger! way to go sounds like it wasn't too bad! she is a doll--taking after her two dashing parents, to be sure! cynthia and i will have to come by when you are feeling up to it erin...happy recovering.

Unknown said...

I'm so excited for you guys!! She looks absolutely beautiful!! Every time I try going natural too, but it always hurts too bad and I get an epidural too. Maybe with this baby I might be able to make the natural thing work - we'll see!! I'm so excited for you two!! Girls rock!!