So I was able to get out and use my new toy yesterday. One big problem I discovered is that when I put the camera in the harness, the wheel on top of the camera that changes the camera from video to still shots will turn, so I have a lot of 1 second videos where I start the video, put the camera in the harness, and that will turn the wheel and stop the video. I was able to get two videos though. On is skiing and one is biking. The skiing takes place on the back side of Brighton, and the biking is the rhythm section at the I street jumps.
After I watched the videos, I realized I had a runny nose, so I sniff a lot in the videos. I apologize for the excessive sniffing. I can see that I need to take tissues with me when I bike and ski. The videos are a little shaky, so if you get nauseous easily, don't watch cuz I don't want puke all over my blog.
If you thought that last one was too shaky, well this one is worse.
So as you can see from the second video, I need to change the camera angle for biking because no one wants to stare at the handle bars.
The ski video is better than I thought. The bike, meh. If you can adjust the angle for biking that would be sweet. The angle for skiing is really good.
thats so cool! cool beans.
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