Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Part II: Deciphering hunger

You will be told to eat a healthy diet. You believe that a healthy diet is important and you will probably do your best to consume the best of foods so that baby gets all the nutrition it needs. This is easy until about 6 months. At some point, your stomach has been squished so far into the crevice between your ribs and the rest of your organs that it has become impossible to discern whether it is completely empty or completely full. You may eat something in the morning and then feel sick. This may lead you to believe that you have over-eaten, thus, you wait longer than usual before you eat again. You have now begun down a slippery slope of trying to figure out whether it is indeed hunger pains or stuffed pains that you are feeling. The bad news is, this doesn't seem to go away or get any clearer with time--you will simply go on feeling sick every single time that you eat something and you will never be quite sure whether it was because you waited too long or ate too soon.

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