Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Part I: Quadruple-Leg cramps

You may have heard about these...they are pretty common. What you may not be aware of is that it is possible for a single leg cramp to last 4 minutes and actually move from muscle to muscle in your lower leg like some sort of anaconda. You may have a wonderful husband who tries to stop your screaming by saying calming things like "it's almost over" and helping you to flex your foot--which generally can stop a cramp in its tracks--but nothing can stop this force of nature. You may be crippled for several days, needing a hand-rail or shoulder to lean on in order to descend stairs. Everyone will have a confused look on their face when they ask you what happened and you say "Leg cramp" so it is better to say something like "polio" or "leishmaniasis"--which has nothing to do with loss of control of your limb, but at least no one will know what you are talking about.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love reading your blog! Your descriptions are amazing! I want to laugh and cry with you at the same time. You're coming down the home stretch now. You'll have your sweet little girl in your arms before you know it, and it will be so worth it! :)